Jennifer Dawson » Link to Learning Management System

Link to Learning Management System

Our school work for Flexible Instruction Days will be organized on Seesaw.  Below you will see a picture of what the Seesaw login page looks like. Each child has an individualized log in.  Student iPads were set up with their individualized log in codes on the first day of school.  Also, all students took home log in information in their take home folders on the first day of school.  Please use the log in information if you would like to set up your child's Seesaw account on a personal device at home.  On Flexible Instruction Days, students will need to log in twice for a class meeting with me and once for their special.  After each class meeting, they will have an assignment to complete.  Our assignments this year will focus on math and language arts only.  Times for our class meetings are currently 8:15 a.m. for math and 9:30 a.m for ELA.  In addition, students will long on for specials at 12:40 pm. More information will follow in your child's take home folder. 
The website to access Seesaw is: