Jennifer Dawson » Flexible Instruction Day (FID)

Flexible Instruction Day (FID)

Information about FID Days:
If we have a flexible instruction day, students will be required to log on for two Zoom class meetings with me for language arts and math.  They will also be required to attend a Zoom session for their special that day.  All students will have a math and language arts assignment to complete.  Students will find all of their assignments for the day on Seesaw.  Each assignment will be dated and labeled for a virtual day.  Students must attend all Zoom sessions and complete the assignments on the FID day in order to be counted as present.  Late work will not be accepted.  If you do not have internet to support virtual learning, please notify me so that other arrangements can be made prior to the start of an FID day.
The website to access Seesaw is: .  Your child will need a special code to access his or her Seesaw account.  These accounts are already set up on your child's school iPad.  If you need to access Seesaw on a home device, you will need to use the home learning code that was sent home in your child's take home folder.  If you cannot locate that document, please contact me at [email protected] and I will send you another copy of the code.
In order to access Zoom, your child will need to get on to Seesaw and go to the message tab.  On that tab is a link to our classroom Zoom session.  Zoom sessions will take place at the following times:  
8:15 a.m.-- Math
9:30 a.m. -- Language Arts
If you have any questions, please contact me at [email protected] or call the school at 814-422-2006.