Beth Houser » Classroom/Courses


Class Norms for Concurrent Learning
  • Be on time for Zoom sessions.
  • Be in a space that is quiet and ready to learn.
  • Have your iPad charged and ready to go.
  • Mute your microphone unless you are talking.
  • Raise your hand to speak.
  • Stay focused.
  • Always submit YOUR best work.
  • Treat others with the care they deserve.
My Beliefs
* Every child is capable of learning.
* I teach for success not failure.
* Learning needs to be active and engaging.
Rules and Expectations
We will arrive rested and ready to learn everyday!
* We will follow directions the first time they are given.
* We will treat others with kindness!
* We will keep our hands, feet, and bodies to ourselves.
* We will use good manners like "Please" and ThankYou!"
* We will use inside voices and waling feet in the classroom.
* Wi will apologize!
* We will share!
* We will have fun!