Laura Beyerle-White » Home Page

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“Flexible Instructional Days”

Laura Beyerle White's Personal Meeting Room

319 770 5214
 Passcode  695795
Click Here for work for the FID Day
Please Note: If you have said on surveys that you have technology to log on for the Zoom sessions, and are not a "paper and pencil only" family, I am NOT allowed to send a worksheet home with your student, even though your student will need a printed or blank paper and pencil to most easily complete the FID work!
If you/your student is joining Zoom, they must join at their normal specials time. If you are unsure what time that is, please consult the list below:
CHE Art Times:
Kdg at 1:20pm
1st at 11:55am
2nd at 2:00pm
3rd at 10:45am
4th at 12:35pm
PVEI Art Times:
Kdg at 10:05am
1st at 1:15pm
2nd at 1:55pm
3rd at 12:35pm
4th at 11:55am
5th at  8:15am
6th at 9:10am
MTE Art Times:
Kdg at 2:00pm
1st at 1:20pm
2nd at 12:40pm
3rd at 10:20am
4th at 10:55am

My name is Laura Beyerle-White and I LOVE teaching art. I have taught elementary art in since August 2017. I am originally from Pennsylvania where I graduated from Penn State with degrees in Art Education and Art History. I started my career in teaching PK-5th Art in Denton, Maryland where I taught for three years, and also taught high school art for one year in Michigan. 


My favorite form of art to make is probably origami; I enjoy the meditative sense that comes from folding the same form over and over again. My favorite form of art to admire would be woodcuts or oil paintings. Jan van Eych, Albrecht Dürer, Barbara Kruger, and Yinka Shonibare are some of the artists I admire the most.


In my spare time I love spending time with family, playing with cats, and cooking.

K-6 at PVEI, K-4 at MTE, K-4 at CHE
Usually the best way to contact me is by email at [email protected].
You can also reach me during school hours by contacting the school at (814) 422-2002.
Just for Fun- Snowflakes